" Input: { characteristics_table - characteristics table (list) (bins) - number of bins (int, default = 100) (min) - min float value (if multiple ctables are processed) (max) - max float value (if multiple ctables are processed) (cov_factor) - float covariance factor (0.5 by default) (skip_fail) - if 'yes', do not fail, if SciPy and NumPy are not available } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 min - min X values from input or calculated max - max X values from input or calculated xlist - list of x values ylist - list of y density values xlist2 - list of x values with peaks ylist2 - list of y density values with peaks xlist2s - list of sorted x values with peaks (max y -> hence 1st expected value) ylist2s - list of sorted y density values with peaks } "